tekom - conferences

AI in the Loop - The Smarter Way to Intelligent Information

  • Exhibitor Presentation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machines and Robots
  • 20. September
  • 13:55 - 14:25 PM (CET)
  • Scandium
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded


Enhancing customer satisfaction, boosting service efficiency, and increasing service revenues - all of these become possible with the power of intelligent information. However, intelligent information doesn't simply materialize; rather, it results from meticulous knowledge work to make vital information accessible to service technicians from various sources. By leveraging AI methods in the information flow, Quanos empowers its clients to streamline technical communication tasks and unlock dormant knowledge sources. Join us in discovering the smarter way to intelligent information!


Sebastian Göttel

  • Quanos Content Solutions GmbH

VP Marketing & Product Management at Quanos Content Solutions GmbH, at home in the world of XML, component content management and content delivery. The computer scientist has been working for the Quanos Group in the area of CCMS since 1998. He contributed to version 1.0 of the iiRDS standard as a founding member of the "Information 4.0" working group.