tekom - conferences

Delivering and Maintaining Machine-Specific Documentation

  • Exhibitor Presentation
  • 21. September
  • 11:10 - 11:40 AM (CET)
  • Scandium
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded


More and more manufacturers are now providing customized solutions, as individual machines or production lines. This requires a flexible approach to documentation or you risk causing a bottleneck that can actually delay shipment. Furthermore, how do you ensure the documentation continues to reflect the individual machine throughout its lifespan?


Reflecting on recent projects, Rik will be showing different ways to create custom content and then deliver that content across platforms and devices.


Rik Page

  • Bluestream

Rik is the Sales and Marketing Director at Bluestream Software and has been working with both component content and document management solutions since 2001. During this time, he has worked with custom DTDs and Schemas, S1000D, iSpec2200, and since 2005 DITA.