tekom - conferences

Getting some hands-on experience with docs-as-code

  • Workshop
  • Intelligent Content Creation and Delivery
  • 21. September
  • 09:00 - 10:30 AM (CET)
  • Titanium
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded
  •  Petra Herbst

    Petra Herbst

    • viesure innovation center gmbh


I will do a workshop using GitHub and the readthedocs.io tutorial so that everyone who is willing to bring their laptops and create a GitHub account BEFORE the workshop can gain some hands-on experiences with docs-as-code in a technical writers' team. This subject is especially valuable for people working in software companies as they might already be familiar with version control systems and markdown files.


You will experience how to use developer tools such as GitHub for writing documentation. You will add and edit docs and create pull requests for your docs, merge and push your changes exactly as in software development processes.

Prior knowledge

Everyone working or having experience in the field of technical documentation in software companies can participate in this workshop. Even if you have no idea about the tools mentioned above, you can prepare for this workshop by informing yourself about the tools used and give it a try.

If some people are not familiar at all with processes in software development departments and just want to "watch", we might also work in pairs.


 Petra Herbst

Petra Herbst

  • viesure innovation center gmbh

1996 – 2002 ITAT Graz University

2001 – 2009 Localization Coordinator and Technical Writer @Hyperwave Software

2009 – 2016 Head of Documentation @Unycom Software

2016 – 2019 Coordinator Technical Documentation @BearingPoint

2019 – 2020 Content Manager / Technical Writer @Travis CI

2020 – today Product Advocate & Technical Writer @viesure innovation center GmbH

2021 - today lecturer at FH Joanneum Graz @Department of Media & Design